Remember my Japanese Maple Trees I bought from a nursery in OK. Here they are today - looking very nice with pretty red leaves. They're still in big pots as I'm still working on their exact placement in my yard. I want to be sure the shady area I've picked really is shady once we get into the heat of the summer.
Do you hate weeds? I hate weeds. This is the pile of weeds I pulled yesterday. My yard is so full of weeds - I'm sure I should receive some sort of award on how many weeds can be pulled in one afternoon - and let me tell you - my ham strings are really sore this morning!
Last fall, I planted some herbs in the garden - just for fun. Wanted to see how they did. This is spearmint - and it's really taken off. Looks a bit invasive - but I won't hold that against it.
Those are just a few things happening in my garden these days. Looking forward to nice warm sunny days this week.